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Digital KinderKonzerts

Woodwind KinderKonzert: Aesop's Fables

Aesop’s Fables

The Tortoise and the Hare, the Country Mouse and the City Mouse, The Bear and the Bees – “Aesop’s Fables” have been adapted into a musical work by composer Tom Myron and is now available in an all new, all-digital KinderKonzert! Join our host Matt as the members of the PSO’s woodwind section explore all of the things that make their woodwind instruments unique while listening to musical renditions of these timeless tales.

KinderKonzerts are interactive programs that share the fun and fundamentals of symphonic music and are designed for K-3rd grade students, but can be enjoyed by all!

String KinderKonzert: Beethoven: Inventor & Storyteller


Beethoven: Inventor & Storyteller

Explore the musical mind of one of the greatest composers of all time, Ludwig van Beethoven! Join our host Matt and a PSO string quintet as they dig into some of Beethoven’s most famous works, like the instantly recognizable Fifth Symphony, to see what made his brilliant musical mind tick.

KinderKonzerts are interactive programs that share the fun and fundamentals of symphonic music and are designed for K-3rd grade students, but can be enjoyed by all!

Beethoven: Inventor y narrador

¡Exploren la mente musical de uno de los mejores compositores jamás, Ludwig van Beethoven! En este segundo KinderKonzert, les invitamos acompañar a nuestro presentador, Matt, y a un quinteto de cuerdas de la PSO mientras indagan en algunas de las obras más famosas de Beethoven, tal como la reconocible Quinta Sinfonía, para discubrir y entender cómo funcionaba su mente creativa.

KinderKonzerts son programas interactivos diseñados para estudiantes de kindergarten hasta tercer grado, ¡pero todos pueden disfrutarlos! Cada KinderKonzert explora los fundamentos de la música sinfónica de una manera creativa y divertida.


Explorez l’esprit musical de l’un des plus grands compositeurs de tous les temps, Ludwig van Beethoven ! Rejoignez notre hôte Matt et le quintette à cordes PSO alors qu’ils explorent certaines des œuvres les plus célèbres de Beethoven, comme la Cinquième Symphonie, immédiatement reconnaissable, pour voir ce qui a fait vibrer son brillant esprit musical. Les KinderKonzerts sont des programmes interactifs qui partagent le plaisir et les principes fondamentaux de la musique symphonique et sont conçus pour les élèves de la maternelle à la 3e année, mais peuvent être appréciés par tous !”

BEETHOVEN: Ha-Abuure & Sheekooyaqaan

Sahami maskaxda mid ka mid ah halabuurayaashii abid ugu waa weynaa muusigaha, ludwig van beethoven! Kusoo biir daadihiyaha matt iyo quintet PSO iyagoo falan qaynaya qaar ka mid ah shaqooyinka beethoven ee ugu caansan, sida heesta shanaad ee isla markiiba la aqoonsan karo, si aad u aragto waxa maskaxdiisa faneed ee quruxda badan saxay.

Kinderkonzerts waa barnaamijyo is dhexgal ah oo wadaaga madadaalada iyo aasaaska muusiga symphoniga, waxaana loogu talagalay ardayda fasalka K-3aad, laakiin waa ku raaxaysan karaan dhammaan!

Brass KinderKonzert: The Musical Olympics

Join the PSO Brass Quintet as they celebrate an age-old tradition, the Olympics. PSO brass musicians will show feats of strength, break musical world records, and strive for artistic excellence in this all-digital KinderKonzert program.



PSO KinderKonzerts are made possible in part by the following sponsors

Margaret E Burnham Charitable Trust

Morton-Kelly Charitable Trust

Simmons Foundation

Rines Thompson Fund of the Maine Community Foundation

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Announcing the all new Chamber Series

In honor of its 100th anniversary season, the Portland Symphony Orchestra steps beyond Merrill Auditorium and brings the music to you.

This all-new Chamber Music series celebrates the intimate and artistically vibrant nature of small musician led groups as they perform on stages throughout the state of Maine.


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Never been to a symphony before? Don’t worry, we’re here to help

Find the answers to all the questions about the orchestra you may be too afraid to ask!

Read our First Timer’s Guide

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Bring your class to a youth concert

Coming in 2025… The Portland Symphony Orchestra partners with Carnegie Hall to present Link Up: The Orchestra Sings! Link Up is a fully participatory, school-day concert program. Students will fill Merrill Auditorium to sing, play recorders, move, and listen along with the symphony from their seats. This program is designed for students in grades 3-5 but all are welcome and encouraged to participate!

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Sarah Atwood

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Ticket sales cover only a portion of what it takes to produce the PSO’s artistic and education programs. Your generous support is vital in helping us deliver music programs that serve children and adult listeners.


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