Q & A
What is the cost: Free
Is Lunch provided? Make your best turkey club and join us on zoom!
What time is it? Noon to 1:30 PM
Where is it? The comfort of your own couch.
Do I need to make a reservation? Yes. Email Hillary Winslow to RSVP.
Which PSO concert is related to this event? Dvořák & Elgar | November 21, 2021
Who will be speaking? Eckart Preu, Charles Dimmick, and Lisa Hennessy
Guest artists, dates, times and locations are subject to change.
We’re taking the Music Lovers’ Luncheon online! Grab your lunch and join Music Director Eckart Preu, Concertmaster Charles Dimmick, and Principal flute Lisa Hennessy as they discuss the upcoming program Dvořák & Elgar performed on Sunday, November 21.
This free noon-time event provides an in-depth look at musical topics and an opportunity to hear from your Music Director and guest artists! Please RSVP to Hillary Winslow at to receive the Zoom web conferencing link and directions to join us virtually!
Fall events will take place over zoom. These events may return to ticketed luncheon events in the spring.